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C-Line FD (2nd Run) - Simon Lizotte Autograph - Innova Made *Light Use*

C-Line FD (2nd Run) - Simon Lizotte Autograph - Innova Made *Light Use*

Regular price $267.00
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7/6/-1/1  *Rare Lightly Used (8.5/10 faded rim ink) 2nd Run FD with Simon Lizotte's Autograph!  Widely thought of as the greatest fairway driver ever made!  Stiff and relatively flat - will stay straight regardless of wind.  Bubbles in the rim and pearly.  Staff Favorite!  One of the most durable FD's made.     

This particular model is the 2nd production run version of the C-FD. The disc itself features a somewhat flat flight plate, whereas other runs of the FD are more domey. Particularly this 2nd run version of the C-FD features a phenomenal forward-penetrating glide which will help you reach great distances with a very straight line. This version is more suitable for bigger arms than any other version of FD. The 2nd run C-FD is the most overstable run of the FD produced to date.

The 2nd run plastic is extremely durable and will last for numerous rounds without any dramatic wear. This run features Blizzard-like micro bubbles in the rim, which has allowed Discmania to mold the lighter versions in the same extremely durable plastic. The overall look and feel is however very different to Discmania’s Blizzard C-line models, in which the plastic is not quite as durable.

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