
Putting Is Worth The Practice - User Submitted ...
PUTTING IS WORTH THE PRACTICEBy Caleb Kershner What’s the point of pushing 400ft drives if a 30ft putt is a card breaker? CONSISTENT PUTTING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN BIG DISTANCE...
Putting Is Worth The Practice - User Submitted ...
PUTTING IS WORTH THE PRACTICEBy Caleb Kershner What’s the point of pushing 400ft drives if a 30ft putt is a card breaker? CONSISTENT PUTTING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN BIG DISTANCE...

Field Testing! Discmania Swirly PD vs C-Line PD...
Discmania made a small run of special blend Swirly PD's in a very limited run and we wanted to give you the low down on these bad boys. (live now HERE) ...
Field Testing! Discmania Swirly PD vs C-Line PD...
Discmania made a small run of special blend Swirly PD's in a very limited run and we wanted to give you the low down on these bad boys. (live now HERE) ...

Benefits of Bagging Understable aka Flippy disc...
Throwing overstable bombs is for the elite power arms. Gurthie hyzer flip to turnover and flexing out a 600'+ huk. Incredible straight line power from the Crush Boys breaking clouds....
Benefits of Bagging Understable aka Flippy disc...
Throwing overstable bombs is for the elite power arms. Gurthie hyzer flip to turnover and flexing out a 600'+ huk. Incredible straight line power from the Crush Boys breaking clouds....
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