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DX Leopard

DX Leopard

Regular price $ 252.00
Regular price Sale price $ 252.00
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Everyone’s first fairway driver. Useful for long straight shots, gentle hyzers and turnover shots. Extended life as a roller.

The Leopard should be everyone’s first fairway driver as it is has excellent glide and is easy to throw straight and far. The Leopard is a great turnover disc for players of all skill levels. More experienced players can use the Leopard for throwing distance stretching “Hyzer Flip” shots. The Leopard makes a dependable long range roller.

Eric Friedman

My favorite fairway driver. USE RANGE: 120-300ft. Snap it hard and get a nice right turn (RHBH) or throw it easy and watch it go straight as an arrow.

Dr. Rick Voakes

The Star Leopard is the best overall disc ever! Incredibly accurate, and can hold a smooth hyzer, or a medium to hard turnover without S-ing back. It can also stay on a very straight line to sneak through a long, straight, and narrow fairway.

DX Plastic

Our DX line offers the widest selection of models and weights. These discs are affordably priced and provide an excellent grip in a variety of weather situations. DX discs wear in with usage and over time will eventually take on new and varied flight characteristics. Many top pros carry several DX discs of their favorite models to provide different flight patterns for different situations. 


  • Provides superior grip that performs well in most weather situations
  • Wears in progressively to provide new and varied flight characteristics
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