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ecoFLEX Binx - F2

ecoFLEX Binx - F2

Regular price $27.00
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8/6/-3/1  *Factory seconds of ecoFLEX Binx!  These feel great and aren't as tacky as previous runs.  Normal F2 features possible, mostly cosmetic.      

This first run of ecoFLEX Binx is more understable than the first run of newcomer Binx. With flight numbers closer to 8 | 6 | -3 | 1, slower arm speeds are going to get easy distance, while faster arm speeds will throw big turnovers with ease. Not to mention, with the stiffer ecoFLEX rubber, these things pretty much roll like a tire 🛞 absorbing bumps and gripping to the ground, so you can have more accurate rollers that are easy to lay down (if that’s what you’re aiming for 😉)

Our ecoFLEX rubber is made of vulcanized natural rubber, with up to 30% recycled material made of scrap from medical industry manufacturing such as rubber gloves, or stoppers. In other words, every 1,000 discs we produce prevents 10,000 rubber gloves that did not meet manufacturing standards from ending up in the world's landfills. Although it uses recycled material, it is extremely durable due to the strong and flexible nature of vulcanized natural rubber. It is also super grippy (think pink eraser or a new shoe sole) and our stiffest material to date making it easy to pick up and start using right away, while still maintaining a flex that absorbs impact.

The material is very strong, should be less susceptible to being punctured by sharp objects, and has incredible durability. I think people are used to recycled discs being less durable, but these are the opposite!
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